Friday night in sodak

As some people already know, I just moved from my hometown in Wisconsin out to Watertown, South Dakota to study Photography and Business Management/Marketing at Lake Area Technical College. The scene isn't too different from Wisconsin, just a lot less hills. The cornfields and cows are just as plentiful.

Friday night I planned to grab dinner and go eat it by a local lake, and thought I'd bring my camera just in case. As I arrived at the lake, I spotted a herd of beef cattle roaming there pasture and hoped they would come my way. Soon enough, they wondered within photographing range.

The calves were pretty curious as to why I was standing by their fence. There mommas were less than impressed with my presence; however, they all posed with their best side towards me. In the end I spent about an hour and a half photographing the herd as they moved through their pasture.